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PPCT/Human Factors Science Instructor Courses

All PPCT/ HFS instructor seminars begin with a lecture in human factors, force continuum, instructor development, control principles, report writing, and survival learning theory.  Followed by practical exercises.

Threat Pattern Recognition Use of Force Instructor, 5-day course

  • Hand-cuffing and handcuffing takedown.

  • Straight arm bar takedown, Transport wrist lock, Transport Wrist Lock takedown, Inside takedown and rear takedown.

  • Pressure points of the head and neck

  • Strikes to motor point of arms and legs. Including Brachial stuns, Straight punch, Palm heel, Supra -scapular, Knee strike,                         Brachial plexus tie-in,  Front kick, Angle kick.     

  • Impact weapon strikes and blocks.

  • Shoulder pin restraints.

  • Weapon retention

  • Firearms threat pattern recognition        

Ground Control, 3-day course

Some ground fighting systems advocate being comfortable on the ground and fighting from this posture.  PPCT Systems believes, because of the officer's equipment, restrictive uniforms and the tremendous energy demands of the grappling arts, that most officers are better able to control resistance from the standing position.  The avoidance techniques are designed to stop a charging assailant and keeping the officer on their feet.  The ground escapes techniques give the officer the option of escaping a ground encounter or engaging the suspect with control techniques.

  • Front, back and side falls

  • Avoidance against tackles

  • Ground defense position

  • Top mount escapes

  • Side head lock escapes

  • Cross body escapes

  • Rear mount escapes

  • Defenses against chokes

Spontaneous Knife Control, 3-day course

The PPCT Spontaneous Knife Control  is based on a check, stun, and control principle that allows the student the option to disengage to cover or to follow-up for restraint and control. 

  • Defensive strikes with legs

  • Principles of edged weapon assaults

  • Fundamentals of knife martial arts

  • Lines of attacks

  • Defense strategies for stalking assailants

  • Defense against lines of attacks

TPR Firearms, 3-day course

PPCT/HFS developed a Firearms Threat Pattern Recognition (TPR) program.  The goal of this course is to enhance the speed of an officer recognition and response time by teaching the micro-movement threat indicators. The course focuses on biology-based response to time, distance and cover in life and death encounters with armed assailants.   The study has shown that assailant can move their weapon from the side of the leg and fire at a target in .37 second.  Action is faster than reaction.  An officer cannot outdraw the assailant. 70% of officers are killed between 0-10 feet. By making a simple movement, gives them time to evade, assess and engage the threat successfully. This course is to supplement and enhance existing department firearms programs   

Sexual Harassment Assault Rape Prevention (SHARP) Instructor:  3-days.

The course is divided into three units of instruction.  The first unit will lecture on survival awareness and profiling a potential stalker.   The second unit deals with the unwanted flirting from men in a social and professional environment.    Lastly, the rape prevention unit will show techniques to assist in stopping sexual assaults.

  • Personality profiles of victims and assailants

  • Safety procedures for the home, shopping, travel, and vehicle.

  • Passive releases and escapes

  • Defensive countermeasures with arms and legs

  • Disarming

Disruptive Student Management Instructor Course:   3 days.

The PPCT Disruptive Student Management Course is designed to control the “physical actions” of student violence. The course focuses on controlling actions of physical violence directed at another student, a teacher, or another staff member. The techniques are specific to actions of physical violence that educators commonly encounter. They are not based on a general premise of self-defense that simply utilizes martial arts techniques; rather they are based on principles of control and/or evasion.

  • Pressure & motor points of the body.

  • Child / teenager escort control

  • Separating techniques

  •  Physical aggression management for protection of personal and students.

  • Weapon Disarming

Impact Weapon, 3 day course

This course is specifically designed for the officer who wants/needs certification impact weapons/straight or collapsible batons.  This is a course of instruction particularly useful for law enforcement of correction officers who do not carry firearms.

  • Baton strikes to motor points of the legs.

  • Baton blocks to motor points of the arms.

  • Combination strikes

Pressure Points, 3 day course

This course was originally designed for law enforcement and correctional officers. The original user group now has more extensive training available with Threat Pattern Recognition Use of Force Course.

  • Pressure Points of the head and neck

  • Strikes to Motor Points

  • Defensive Counter Strikes. 

Violent Patient Management, 3 day course

Health care facilities and services are constantly faced with the increased violence toward their staff and security officers. The PPCT/ Human Factor Science Violent Patient Management System is specifically designed to control patient violence using medically approved techniques that meet the control needs of staff, while meeting the liability concerns of administrators.

  • Survival learning research

  • Instructor development and training protocols

  • Response option continuum  and de-escalation techniques

  • Report writing

  • Assessing body language to predict behavior

  • Control principles

  • Pressure points and motor point control

  • High level control techniques

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